I am passionate about helping women become financially literate, independent, and secure.

It has been statistically proven that women are better at investing than men, but as the industry is male dominated, the misperception still exists. Younger women are much more assertive in speaking out, but many older women seem to feel that men are better at finances. I would like to change that perception so that women feel more confident in making financial decisions.

The focus of this site is to provide timely information to educate and empower women to make financial decisions. This is a place for you to not only gain financial knowledge, but to feel comfortable asking questions and sharing financial-related experiences. There are no “get-rich quick” schemes or stories about getting lucky or finding someone who can take care of your financial worries. I want you to know that you can be in control of your knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, decisions, and actions about money. The tools and articles I share will help you to better understand your current financial situation and be able to identify areas where you might need more information or help from a professional.    

I truly believe that if you have control of your money, you’ll have control of your life. Being in control of our lives makes us happier in our relationships and more fulfilled in whatever we choose to do.

—Liz Saghi

Deco Vino painting by Carmen Guedez, cgmodernart.com

c 2024 Elizabeth Saghi

Designed by Toni D’Anca Consulting I Made with Squarespace

Elizabeth Saghi maintains this site and is an Advisory Associate of Avalan, LLC, a registered investment advisor. This site has been designed for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security which may be referenced upon the site. Such offers can only be made where lawful under applicable law. The services and information provided through this site are for personal, noncommercial use and display. Avalan, LLC does not intend to provide investment advice through this site and does not represent that the securities or services discussed are suitable for any investor. Investors are advised not to rely on any information contained in the site and advised to contact an investment professional before making any investment decisions. Avalan, LLC does not, and this site does not intend to, render tax or legal advice.